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Do you want to learn more about some of the more technical aspects of sacral art? Consider reading these books to start:

Ugly as Sin, Michael S. Rose, 2001

  • How the Church has been sapped of its spiritual efficacy through poor liturgical architecture.

The Grammar of Ornament (Ornamental Grammar), Owen Jones, 1856

  • The design classic pioneering and summarizing many technical principles of design and ornament, through historical analysis.  See Jones' 37 must-read, featured propositions on decorative arts HERE

Sacramentality: A Principle of Ecclesiastical Design, Frs. Neale and Webb, 1842

  • A helpful essay to understand truly how Catholic art functions on the sacramental/symbolic level especially with respect to the liturgy, a preface and commentary to Durandus' medieval classic, 'Rationale Divinorum Officiorum'.

Other books and writings of technical interest by order of relevance:

If you know of a relevant book not featured in this list, please notify the studio so that Ethan may read it.  This is very important for the nurturing and improvement of the craft.


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